BLOCKCHAIN: The Technology That Is Here To Stay

Kowa yana maganan bitcoins and cryptocurrencies amma kun taba jin blockchain?

Simply put, haka aka mun explaining dana ce a dauke ni tamkar yar shekara 5. Imagine you have a special notebook that you share with all your friends. Whenever you write something in it, everyone can see it and no one can change it. This book is called blockchain.
It finds application across various industries, including finance, supply management chain , healthcare, real estate, and voting systems. Enables secure and efficient transactions, improves traceability and transparency with reduced costs associated with intermediaries.
This technology basically helps trade without any intermediate party with anyone around the globe. Let’s say you want to sell your smartphone. Naturally za mu yi amfani da apps irin su jiji din mu na gida koh ebay on an international level a siyar, so shi ne intermediate tsakanin you and the person to whom you want to sell. The payments might be processed via some bank which will cost you some money. Now with blockchain, you will be able to sell your product to that person without actually involving a third party or any bank.
Note that bitcoin and Ethereum are just digital currencies which are built using blockchain technology.
Overall, blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionise industries by providing a secure, transparent, and efficient way to record and transfer data and value. This is a small drop idea from the vast ocean of depth of technicalities in blockchain.
Experts in the affairs of Blockchain technology, Enlighten us more.
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