Cancer Screenings

Bari na baku wata yar scenario, a ce mutum ne zai hau machine, sai ya ki sa helmet, yayi ta zagayen sa a kan machine har sai ya fadi, ya buga kansa a lokacin sai ya dauko helmet wai zai sa, shin a lokacin akwai fa’ida?

Toh, this is the difference between screening and diagnostic tests for Cancer.
Cancer is a silent killer for a reason, it does not show you its signs or symptoms early, let us say you have Malaria today, it is going to shake you, and you will have to treat it.
But cancer can start and begin to spread through the body without any sign or symptom, it is why when the signs come in and people seek medical attention, it is usually late, shi ciwon cancer ana iya yaɗuwa cikin Jiki, kuma ba zai bada kowace alamma ba.
What am I saying in essence?
As long as you are within the recommended age bracket, then you need to screen, akwai gwaji da akeyi na kanser, da ake Kira screening tests. Screening is for the healthy population, Wata ko ke Kuna nan cikin koshin lafiyar ku amma zaku je asibiti ayi gwaji na Cancer dan kar cutar ta yi ba zato. The only way to truly beat cancer is to screen, so that if there is anything it is quickly found and quickly taken care of before it gets out of hand.
Screening tests:
Mammogram: Breast Cancer screening for women above the age of 40.
Breast Ultrasound Scan: Breast cancer screening for women below the age of 40.
HPV test/ Pap smear: Cervical Cancer screening for all Sexually active women
PSA test: Prostate Cancer screening for men above the age of 40
Colonoscopy: Colon Cancer screening for men and women above the age of 50.
Yan uwa, a halin yanzu fa kiwon lafiya wajibun
Allah ya taimaka.
Yours in Love and Health.
Diagnostic tests for Cancer: The tests a person does after finding a sign or symptom i.e doing a Mammogram after discovering a breast lump.
Screening tests for Cancer: The tests a person does in the absence of any sign or symptom i.e doing a Mammogram to make sure the breasts are healthy.
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