Dear SME Owner

As an entrepreneur, dole ne hangen nesa. Where do you see your business in years to come? Do you have a vision board? Any goals set and how you plan to attain them? An musu back up plans? This can make your aspirations, strategies and contingency plans clear to you.
Goals din nan bana yanzu bane, amma it will show you what success will look like. Ko a ce nan da shekara 1, we will add a new product, open a new shop, ko wani irin ci gaba dai. Zai bama mutum motivation da direction. Ba kawai a zama yan ja muje Alhaji ba. Sai yanda hali yayi ba. No! An ce muna namu Allah na nashi and His is the best but at the same time tie your camel first and put your trust in Allah.

In this context, be prepared and then put your trust in Allah. Setting goals is one thing and developing strategies on how to achieve those goals is another thing. Idan aka dauka book aka rubuta by 2025, I want to have more sewing machines for my tailoring business aka rufe littafi, PAM! Shikenan! Magic will not happen and it will not come true. Ko kuwa ayi ta magana a baki ba action. You didn’t look for customers, but preparing is ayi ta dinki ba safe ba dare a tara kudin sewing machine. Haka ya kamata ka zama, daga ina, dinki, ina aka nufa, dinki, me ake yi, dinki. That is the dedication. Please don’t go and collect people’s clothes and you will not finish on time! Ana kai mutane a dan gyara musu hali fa😂 Idan kunne yaji, gangan jiki ya tsira. Ban da hadama. Kuma ayi shi upto standard shi ne customers zasu zo. Toh whichever industry you belong to, take it into consideration to improve.
In the face of uncertainties, market fluctuations, and unforeseen challenges, nan ne backup plans zasu yi tasiri. Su ne safety net din, idan an fadi, then it will catch you
and propel you upwards. Ko diversifying revenue ne, establishing emergency funds, or fostering agility within the organizational structure, backup plans provide resilience and sustainability in the face of adversity.
Yan aji, where do you see your business in the next 5 years?
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