Dress How You Wish To Be Addressed

Do you have your personal style as a man? Style is not only for women.

How you present yourself in public says a lot about you, ba wai ana cewa na miji sai yayi ado ba, but you should not look scruffy or poorly presented either. Ko ɗan business deals ɗinnan da kuke so suyi clicking, the rooms you want to sit in, you need to present yourself in a certain way before you can be welcome to sit at the table.
If you find it difficult to understand the concept of style, or you don’t like too much of a fuss, here are some simple tips to begin:
Wear what you are wearing well: If you are the type to wear a suit, make sure it is well-fitting, ba sai and fasa banki ba, amma that suit you are purchasing or sowing, make the effort to know your measurements and get the right size, your shirts should be well ironed, team Kaftan, ensure it is well Ironed and clean.
Statement pieces: A statement piece goes a long way, whether it is a bold watch, a nice shoe, or a well-fitting tie, it just gives you that put-together look.
Personal Grooming: This is really at the heart of everything, your dental care, your nails should be clean and well groomed, shave properly, or if you want to keep a beard, make sure it is nicely trimmed, make sure your underwear is clean and please do not shy away from deodorant.
Skincare: Yes! I know this is a touchy one, but maza that take care of their skin are in a league of their own Wallahi, it could just be a good moisturizer as well.
More importantly, start simple, find out what works for you, and develop your own personal style so you can join the Elite men’s club
What is your take on personal style?
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