Global Warming

Mutane da dama za su ce sun sha jin ana cewa global warming amma har ga Allah ba su san me hakan ke nufi ba. Alhalin global warming has become one of the most pressing environmental challenges facing our planet. Global warming is the increase in the earth’s average temperature due to human activities. This includes emission of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun leading to the warming effect known as the greenhouse effect.

Me ke kawo global warming?
Burning of fossil fuels.
The combustion of coal, oil and natural gas for any production leads to release of large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Kun ga wannan kone-konen da ku ke yi, da burga motocinku da babura ba wanda ke tunanin ya dan yi exercise nan da nan sai kun hau mota? Ku na sare bishiyoyi kuyi girki da su. Hmn.. to fa duk wadannan abubuwa suna taimakawa wajen kawo global warming.
- Deforestation
The clearing of forest for agriculture and development reduces the number of trees leading to atmospheric conditions. Shi ya san ba a son yawan share bishiyoyin nan da ku ke yi.
- Industrial activities
A yawan lokuta idan injinan kamfanoni na aiki to fa suna releasing gases da other pollutants da suke affecting environment din mu negatively.
- Agricultural practices
Livestock farming, rice paddies, the use of synthetic fertilisers produce methane and nitrous oxide emissions.
What are the impacts of global warming?
Rising temperatures lead to heatwaves, altered precipitation patterns and changes in ecosystem
Melting ice and rising sea level
Glaciers and polar ice caps are melting contributing to sea level rise. Which threatens coastal communities.
Also increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are absorbed by the oceans leading to acidification that harms marine life.
Sannan jamaa bai fa kamata mu zauna haka ba, ya kamata mu yi tsaye tsayin daka domin magance wadanann matsaloli na global warming
A dage a koma renewable energy irinsu solar da hydroelectric saboda a rage amfani da fossil fuels. A koma planting bishiyoyi da kuma rage sare su. A kuma sa ka policy don a rage emission din gases that are toxic daga kamfanoni.
Yanzu ɗan aji da ‘yar aji idan aka ce ku dinga takawa zuwa makaranta ko wajen aiki kullum a kafa. Ko kuma aka ce ku sayi da keke ku na zuwa sabgoginku. Don a rage wannan matsala ta global warming, za ku amince?
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