
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Zig Ziglar
You see all those people on social media street da su ke burge ku? Mazan su da matan su, dattijai da masu ƙuruciyarsu all started somewhere. You do not have to be the child of wane ko spouse din wane to make it in life.
Let me tell you a lil secret. Idan ka dogara da sunan wani wajen gina naka, no matter how much time and effort you invest in doing something, sai an jingina shi da wanda kake tapping from. Use their names or influence to start, and your excellence will only elevate them higher. This is for people close to them. Ku da ba ku da hanyar jingina da well known mutane kuma shikenan? Ba za a san ku ba? Kun bar wa yan dangi cigaba ku kuma ku kare a like da comment?
Daliban NH
Who are you?
What can you do?
Answer this and present yourself to the world confidently. Take that first step carefully. Shi bene ba a yi shi don tsalle ba. Sannu-sannu bata hana zuwa sai dai a dade ba a je ba. Should that scare you?
Idan kaga mutum ya kasa hakuri da matakin farko yana ta hangen sama, hadama ce ya saka a ransa da gasa. A inuwarku su ke a shekarun baya so you expect them to remain there har abada. You start smearing their names with their past when you fail to out run them.
“Wance/wane was my junior in secondary school.”
“They graduated after spill two / anyi expelling din su.”
“Ko pencil ba a iya saya musu a gida saboda talauci, a gidan mu nake dauko musu”
“A jami’a a dakin mu ta/yake squatting.”
Bitterness and envy will only pull you down as they keep soaring higher. Just because you had it better a farko does not mean you have a head start when it comes to success in life. There are destinies and efforts to deal with.
Jama’ar NH it is not too late. With commitment, dedication, resilience, hard work and above all albarka daga Allah, you will be great once you start. Greatness however, is not equal to becoming a household name and what not.
It is simply achieving contentment where you are with what you have…samun heavier account balance is a bonus we cannot say bama so. Amma being the richest or the best is not what we are after. Making a difference where you are is all that matters.
A inda ku ke, are you OK?
If yes, you’ve made it to greatness. Congrats!
Oya I have nudged you a bit, please budge and tell us what are you good at that you think the world ought to know?
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