Lafiya Uwar Jiki

Rashin lafiya sam babu dadi musamman a ce babu kuɗi, duba da yadda yanayin rayuwa ta sauya a Nijeriya, Hmmn!!!

Allah ya ƙara mana lafiya ya kare mu daga cuta mai naci, Ameen.
Amma fa ba addu’ar kawai ba muma sai mun tashi tsaye, we need to improve our Health seeking behavior and lifestyle in general
Sai kaji wasu na cewa
”I am addicted to coke, I have to take it everyday” ko kuma ka ga anci Indomie for breakfast, a sake ci for dinner.
No proper intake of fruits and vegetables, har wani cewa a ke salad ai abincin yan gayu ne.
Toh ku matso kusa, muyi wata ƴar magana, you are simply what you eat, su dai vegetables da fruits ɗin nan su zasu yi boosting immune system ɗinku, wato dai rigakafin dake jikin kowa daga cututukar yau da kullum.
Beyond boosting your immune system against common viral and bacterial infections, they also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that will protect your bodies against Chronic, Non-communicable diseases, like Hypertension, Diabetes, Dyslipidemia wato ciwon Cholesterol, and even cancer.
Balance is important, A diet containing mainly fried, fatty, processed, and sugary foods that are Inflammatory with little or no nutritional benefits will only serve to harm your body.
Gashi kuma Alhamdulillah, duk yadda gari yayi zafi har yanzu ana iya samun yar karas, yalo, cucumber, zogale, at abundance.
If you have a backyard, I challenge you to plant some sort of vegetable today, ko da alayahu ce.
The same 350 that will buy you coke, will also buy you tasty natural oranges.
Duk wanda yayi sammako, ba ya ganin rana.
Na barku lafiya.
What better choice will you make for your health today?
Ko a dole there is that one thing you just can’t leave behind
Let us hear from you in the comment section.
In love and health.
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