
Greetings Entrepreneurs,

Generally, at every point in life, dole kun taba rike wani position of leadership. Are you the first born koh idan first born suka tafi, they will pass the torch to the second sibling to keep the leadership card flowing. Kun ga an dai dan dana shi. Nasan ya zo da privilege irin na controlling kanne amma ai shi ma da challenge din shi, idan kanne suka yi abu da be da ce ba, wa ake yi ma fada?
In school, Wala class captain, ko a bada wani prefectship a school. Muyi ta jin dadi sabida lokacin bamu san komai on accountability ba. Mu dai namu ga badge, ga dama da yake zuwa da shi.
Now that you’re a leader in your business, ga ma’aikata that are looking up to you. Decisions da zai iya sa business yayi moving ko failing is in your hands, ya kenan? How do you want to navigate this terrain?
Akwai wasu key differences between a good leader and a leader. Let’s check and see.
Ya communication ɗin ku? Do you give room for ideas, kowa ya kawo matsalan shi a ga yadda za’a sa kai ayi solving, and most importantly open dialogue. Babu fargaban idan nayi magana zan iya loosing aiki na? toh make this easier, a dinga meetings a kai a kai. A ɗan din ga sakin jiki ana raha. Ba wai da an hadu ba, “meye ne?” “daman I wanted to talk about……” “idan baku da abin faɗa get out, you’re wasting my time”.
Ya kamata mu gane, wasu sun iya aikin su ba laifi amma babu confidence ne coupled with a boss who is not patient kuma an sa musu tsoro a zuciya. Sometimes we have to let them break out of their shell and be comfortable. Do you think a wannan harsh environment din, workers will give in their all and be productive? Leaders have to be stern to keep things going but don’t rule with an iron fist.
Are you adaptable to changes? Ko kuwa ana ɗan samun minor inconvenience za’a ɗaga hannu a kai? Idan kuka yi haka as a leader, me sauran followers zasu yi? Be calm, tell them we will get through this. Lokacin pandemic haka muka ga businesses sun tsaya cak amma haka wasu SMEs din su ka yi persevering aka koma online. I think that was the surge of social media vendors. Dan wasu basu yarda da siyan abu online ba amma lokacin ya aka iya? You can say it was a blessing in disguise for them.
Leadership, ba wai logic da strategy bane, akwai tausayi da ganuwa. You have to be emotionally intelligent. Hakan ze iya sa ka gane, if your team members are feeling overwhelmed kuma they need support kuma ayi adjusting workloads accordingly. Idan wane da wane suna fada, dole a duba al’amarin da empathy kuma a nema win-win solutions. Ba wai fa na ce sympathy yayi taking over ba ayi siding da mutum daya ba, kawai dai a kalla abin from both situations with empathy.
Effective leadership is continuous learning and growth. Idan ta kama ma a dinga karanta leadership books ko ayi joining class, ayi! Because good leadership equals productive workers.
What skills do you implement in your business as a leader for smooth operations?
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