Lokaci Baya Jiran Kowa

Back Again with another rhyme!

Amma kunsan rashin keeping to time yana nuna ce wa kamar mutum bashi da discipline ne?
Taya ma zaka iya managing business da rashin keeping to time?
In every aspect time management can not be overemphasized. Customer ze yi order ne a ce, Sorry mun shiga wani hidima ne and bamu yi prioritizing aikin mu ba? Ko kuwa akwai wani ɗan meeting da investors a ce, oops I overslept?
Akwai mutane da yawa that do not know how to keep to time and it is seriously affecting their way of life bama business ba.
Yau zan yi commending tailor, Allah ya jikan shi ba dan ya mutu ba. Duk halayen shi na rashin iya magana, me yasa har yau muke tare? Idan yace Asabar karfe biyar, In shaa Allah Asabar karfe biyar ne. Toh me yafi wannan?
Kun ce rashin iya maganan fah? Abu me sauki! Ga kaya na, ga style din da nake so, nawa ne? Shi kenan.
Why did I stay? He shows me respect by respecting my time.
Kuma the more you keep to time, the more productive you will be and organised. Aikin jiya dana yau ba zai dinga hade wa ba.
Toh gare ku SME owners, Tambaya biyu kacal! A zaba ɗaya a amsa.
In the context of your business operations, can you recall a situation where time management challenges impacted a project’s outcome? How did you address it, and what specific adjustments have you implemented to refine your time management approach moving forward?
If you had a time machine that could only transport you to one day in your business’s history, which day would you choose and what crucial time management insights would you bring back to the present?
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