‘No Refund, No Return Policy’

Ku ba jami’an tsaro ba amma kun fi kowa saurin fitowa bawa juna kariya when you feel attacked. I am talking about online business owners especially those in the same field. Though I like that positive trait of togetherness, wani lokacin yana da kyau a tsaya a duba korafin customers.

Your market is your identity. Products and services din ku sell themselves. Adverts only make people aware of its existence. As a 21st century business owner, bai kamata matsaloli ko korafe-korafen customers su zama abin gudu ba. That saying ‘the customer is always right’ should be your motto. Listen, filter and implement. A cikin kowane korafi ba a rasa gaskiya ko yaya take.
“Ba kalar da na zaba ba kenan” you should have used a better camera or told the customer that colours change in the pictures.
‘No return policy’ Really???
‘Delayed delivery’ dole laifin ku customer zai gani tunda a wajen ku ya saya.
‘The audacity to change an order completely’ its 2024, no gree for anyone.
Rashin karbar korafi da gyarawa does not make you stand out as the best in your field. Irin no nonsense vendor din nan. Kashe wa kai kasuwa ne kawai. The disappointed buyers na yin gaba za su dinga kushe ku da kasuwar ku thus cutting off an entire chain of prospective customers.
An taba kai korafi a kan business din ku blog? Me ya janyo faruwar haka?
The world is full of uncertainties, hakan ne ya sa ya zama dole mutum ya tashi ya nemi na kan sa.
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