Polygamy – The Mr

Namiji hankaka, gaban ka fari bayan ka baki.

Namiji kanin ajali.
Namiji ba dan goyo ba.
Hakorin dariya shi kan yi cizo!
Allah ja zamaninka da zarar kaji mata na irin wannan kirarin fa babu tantana aure ka dingimo. Uwargida tana tsaka da jindadi ko cikin bakar wahala da yunwa sai ka kwaso abin da duk duniya tafi ki wato kishiya ka ce za ka yi mata. Personally, I won’t judge. Dama ce daga Allah so use it all you want…use it wisely.
Are you intending to be mijin mace sama da ɗaya? If yes please take a look at your heart. Wannan tsokar tafi komai gaskiya a jikin mutum. You may choose to hide your intentions from people. You can even go into denial, but man, your heart knows. Why are you taking another wife?
Are you able and capable financially and medically?
Fulfilling a lifelong dream of having more than one wife.
Looking for someone to fill in on your wife’s lapses?
Compulsion for any reason be it parents or circumstance?
Your reason is yours. Ƙarin aure is not a crime so you really do not need to start looking for reasons to justify your actions. Wannan ne mafarin blame games wanda yake janyo rashin zaman lafiya da matar gida. Everything is up to you daga lokacin da ka fara neman wani auren. How you handle the situation, how you relate with the incoming lady and most importantly how you treat your wife shapes everything. Remember, daga ta gidan har mai shigowar duka mutane ne. They have feelings which are greatly influenced by your attitude and words so much that one wrong move and your home with kids in it may crumble to shambles.
For the wife, you should avoid things like cin fuska, bata ta a wajen wadda kake son aure, making her feel worthless, wulakanci, rawar kai da kafa na dokin yin amarya and the likes of it.
Amarya kuma kada ka nunawa ta gida ai dole aka yi maka, shoving her needs to the side kada ran uwargida ya baci, making feel like a third party da sauran su.
Aure za ka ƙara?
Be a man and own your actions. Be a man is what I said so do not hurt any of them just to win bonus points with the other. There are rules and regulations and even boundaries da addini ya sanya wa karin aure. Do educate yourself before jumping into polygamy.
Dan aji mai shiri ko niyar tara mata a gidansa, shin ka san dokikin auren da addini ya tanada ko kuwa Ayar da ta baka izinin kawai ka haddace?
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