Pre-Marital Tests

You spent so much time planning everything, you have over 50 meetings with your event planner, countless dress fittings, makeup trial, pre-wedding pictures

Hidimma dai kala kala
But you forgot to get your premarital test done.
Or even when reminded, you shrug it away
Ai, ke kinsan Habibin ki
3 months bayan an kai ki, it’s Malama hide my Id….
We have decided to ignore these simple life-saving tests, which will only take one 20-minute visit to the hospital because these days you can get your results and review results online, unless you need to come in.
Ba wani abin kunya, babu boye boye
Habibi, ya kamata mu je muyi tests inan da ake yi kafin aure.
Go to a clinic, you can see your doctor for better guidance but at least do HIV, Hepatitis B&C, check for Sexually Transmitted Infections, and do a drug panel test.
Ideally, you should have done your blood group and Genotype kan a Kai nan, but if not, please do that too.
This simple step will save your life physically, mentally, and emotionally, both for your sake, your partners, and your future children, ya kamata ayi dan gwajin nan kan a daura aure a kai ki.
If it can be treated, please treat it before, if it’s serious enough to stop the marriage, then it’s better for you to know before and make and informed choice.
The truth is bayan aure, your choice in the matter reduces, wani lokacin kiyi ta fama da Infection kala kala, and its hard to convince your spouse to go to the clinic and get tested with you wanda ma ko kunji its late tunda an riga an kamo da duk cutar da ake gudun kamuwa da shi.
Saboda haka, habibty da habiby, intending couple, before the marriage, tun ana zumudin ayi aure nan is the right time to get tested.
Idan kunne yaji?
Na barku lafiya.
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