This Economy

Yanzu fa duk inda aka taru ana yar hira tsakanin maza ko mata, a wajen aiki ko gidan biki, kai ko ma layin asibiti ne to hirar bata wuce ta abu guda…the unsmiling economy!

Faces are gloomy, zukata kuwa suna sama abu dan kankani sai ya haddasa babbar rigima. Everyone is just feeling down. The aura we exude is depressing and contagious. Kai, abin dai sai hamdala kawai.
As a couple, is it wise to allow things like this to affect your home and relationship?
I know that people are struggling daily to make ends meet. A lot of homes have cut down on their once normal expenses to adjust. At the end of the day mata, miji da yara kowa has to sacrifice in order to keep going. Definitely it will adversely affect the mood of the house. Helplessness will set in shikenan sai ku kasa gane kan juna saboda yawan rigima akan running din gida on the basic level.
Anya a tafi a haka kuwa? That road spells doom all the way.
Couples please accept reality and move on. A daina jin haushin juna domin babu laifin kowa. Kida ne kawai ya canja, sai a canja rawa daidai da kidan ba tare da an batawa juna rai ba. Learn to create new means of happiness with what you have now. Kada a bari economy yayi determining how much love and tolerance you have for each other.
Yan aji yau dai a cire damuwar economy a farantawa juna rai.
What non-monetary things can you do to make your spouse really happy?
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