Urinary Tract Infections

Ciwon Sanyi?

Almost every person that mixes herbal concoctions has a remedy for “Ciwon Sanyi”, any complaint regarding urination, lower abdominal pain, discharge etc, duk sai a ce sanyi ne, ayi ta hada abubuwa, kala kala ana sha.
A urinary tract infection is simply an infection that affects the urinary system and is caused by bacteria, it is typically more common in females because they have a shorter urethra.
A urinary tract Infection is not sexually transmitted wato namiji baya bai wa mace, it ma mace bata ba wa namiji , but movement during sexual intercourse can cause the Introduction of bacteria into the urinary system. It can also be introduced to bacteria into the system from faces, through the hands, change in the normal bacteria of the private parts etc.
This infection can lead to symptoms like pain in the lower abdomen, or pain while urinating. frequent urination, ayi ta fitsari akai akai, ko kuma idan ya diga kadan shikenan amma kuma ana barin bayi sai ya sake tasowa, ko kuma ciwon mara, fever, generalized body pain da dai sauran su.
When you feel any of these symptoms, you need to go to the hospital and see a doctor, ideally, you will have a urine culture test dan a gane the exact bacteria that is growing and you will then receive antibiotics. If it is not treated the infection can go all the way up and affect the kidneys.
Ga tambaya, as some people will ask, I keep going to the hospital and treating but it has not gone away, gaskiya kamar maganin asibiti baya yi.
Toh ku maso kusa, the reason why your antibiotic from the hospital seems not to be working is because.
- You abuse antibiotics: Kungiyar komai antibiotic, every little symptom you feel, you rush to the pharmacy and get different types of antibiotics or you do not take your antibiotics as prescribed and the moment you feel better you abandon them, or before going to the hospital to do a urine culture tests, you have already treated with all sorts of things and so the test will not show what it’s supposed too.
You keep getting re-infected, for this group, I will give you some tips, yadda zaku iya kare kan ku.
So, some factors that Increase your risk of having a UTI:
- A previous UTI
- Pregnancy
- Increasing age
- Holding urine in for too long
- Having diabetes
- Changes in the flora of the of vagina ( using soap or vaginal washes)
- Wiping from the back to the front
- too-tight underwear
Obviously, there are some factors here that cannot be changed, but for those that can be, sai a kiyaye.
Na bar ku lafiya.
Yours, In Love and Health
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