When Age Is Not Just A Number

Whether you say it out loud or not, one of the fundamentals of marriage is the licence to quench your intimate desires. But what happens when your one-way ticket is a bit rusty?

Maganar gaskiya ladies in their late teens or early twenties find it difficult to cope after saying yes to dan sittuna ko saba’una. Ci, sha da sutura ba su kadai ne aure ba. Idan mai kudi ne, even the Oga wife lifestyle will seem less and less appealing as time goes on.
Da yawa ana samun first couple of years dama dama. But in three to five years when she is in her prime, full of vigour and vitality, the man may already be a grandpa. Age actually takes a toll on this part of marriage. The desires subside on their own saboda an sha miya. The body wears as it declines to full old age. Sai yawan gajiya da tarin damuwa as responsibilities keep piling. Wani yana gama cin abinci a wurin zai bingere bayan kin wuni kina shan yan abubuwan ki. Sai kaga mace tun tana haƙuri har sai an fara hide my ID yau wata uku rabon da a je other room. Idan ba ayi dace ba ta fara nemawa kan ta mafita elsewhere.
Maganin kar ayi kar a soma!
Ofcourse kowa abokin zamansa zai aura amma ko malaman addini suna hana irin wannan auren saboda matsalolin da ake samu a gaba a wannan zamanin.
Mazan jiya were healthier and life was easier. Yanzu kuwa daga fourty wani ya fara shan supplements to boost libido and energy. Sinadaran girki, processed foods and drinks duk sun tafi da kuzarin bayin Allah. Daga washh kafa sai washh baya. Haihuwa biyu karfi ya kare. To ina ga wanda biological clock dinsa has been ticking tun kafin a haifi Mama?
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